
replicas can be used for scaling. You must also think about storage.


[DaemonSets] allow you to run a service on each node. You can do this for node specific things like collecting logs on each node. DaemonSets are yet another kind of controller for Pods beyond [[Deployments]]

If you switch from a Deployment to a DaemonSet you should delete the Deployment first. You can’t automatically change from one kind of controller to another.

A DaemonSet runs a control loop that will watch for any new nodes and start a pod on that node.

Use cases for DaemonSets:

  1. Want to run a pod on every node
  2. you have only a subset of nodes that can receive traffic from the internet -> use labels to achieve this.

Labeling A Node For DaemonSets

This allows you to select which nodes the Daemonset runs on:

% cat pi/proxy/daemonset/nginx-ds-nodeSelector.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: pi-proxy
    kiamol: ch06
      app: pi-proxy
        app: pi-proxy
        kiamol: ch06

To use thie above yaml, you have to label your node like this:

kl label node $(kl get nodes...) kiamol=ch06 --overwrite

Cascade Delete

TLDR; you probably don’t need this

You can set cascade=False to delete a controller without deleting its managed objects. This is how you can change a controller but still keep pods alive.

kl delete ds pi-proxy --cascade=orphan  # deletes the daemonset pi-proxy

Controllers use a label selector to find objects they manage, so you just have to make sure the new controller you define has the right label. Hamel: it’s not clear how to switch from a Daemonset to a deployment.